Veggie Strudel


1 lg. eggplant, sliced lengthwise

2 oz spinach leaves, washed

2 red peppers, quartered, roasted

2 zucchini, sliced lengthwise

2 oz feta cheese, sliced

6 sheets filo pastry

olive oil

Sprinkle eggplant slices with salt and leave todrain in colander for 30 minutes.  Pat dry.

Peel roasted red peppers.   Brush eggplant and zucchini slices with olive oil and grill for 5-10 minutes. Set aside to cool.

Brush one sheet of pastry at a time with oil, then lay the next sheet on top.  Place half the eggplant slices lengthways down the center of the pastry top with a layer of zucchini, peppers, spinach, and feta.  Repeat layers until veggies are used up.  Tuck ends of pastry then roll up llike a parcel.  brush lightly with oil.  Place on a baking tray.

Bake at 375° for 35 minutes.