Runebergin Torttu

Saara Kaijanen - Rotary Exchange Student*

9 oz butter

1¼ c sugar

4 eggs

3¾ c gingersnap crumb

2 oz almond crumb

1 c flour

1½ tsp baking powder

½ c milk

raspberry jam

powdered sugar frosting

Whip butter and sugar into white foam. Put eggs in one at a time, still whipping Blend together gingersnap crumb, almond crumb, flour and baking powder. Mix dry ingredients into wet mix Add milk and stir thoroughly. Put dough into muffin cups bake in 400° oven for 10 minutes. Cool. Top with raspberry jam and frosting.



* Runeberg cake, so named for the Finnish national poet who is remembered every year on the 5th of February