Glogg Nog


6 eggs

¼ c sugar

¼ tsp cardamon

¼ tsp cinnamon

¼ tsp cloves

1½ c water

1 qt vanilla ice cream, softened

6 c orange juice

¼ c lemon juice

1 qt ginger ale, chilled

ice ring, optional

ground nutmeg, optional

stick cinnamon, optional

Beat eggs on low speed til blended. Add sugar and spices, beat until sugar is dissolved. Add ice cream and beat on low. Add juices. Cover and chill. To serve, pour mixture into punch bowl. Slowly add ginger ale, stirring in an up/down motion. Add ice ring, if desired. Serve with sprinkle of nutmeg and cinnamon stick stirred, if desired. Makes 17 cups


Ice Ring: Line small ring mold with orange slices. fill with cold water and freeze.